Venezuela demands the end of sanctions and urges leaders to build a ‘new world’
President Nicolás Maduro on Tuesday said his country was the victim of a “fierce campaign” of permanent and systematic aggression through economic and financial sanctions coming from the United States and its allies.

President Nicolás Maduro connected Tuesday said his state was the unfortunate of a “fierce campaign” of imperishable and systematic aggression done economical and fiscal sanctions coming from the United States and its allies.
“Financial accounts are being chased, golden has been seized and blocked from the ineligible planetary reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela successful London, billions of dollars successful slope accounts person been seized and blocked successful the United States, Europe and more”, Mr. Maduro stated.
According to the President, Venezuelan lipid companies are being prevented from trading their products and unfastened slope accounts to marque commercialized transactions.
“It is simply a financial, monetary, commercial, economic, vigor persecution. It is systematic, cruel and criminal. Venezuela raises its dependable to denounce it earlier the peoples of the world”, helium added.
Demanding the extremity of each sanctions against his country, the President, successful a pre-recorded code to the UN General Assembly, said helium was grateful for the enactment of the Organization's Member States towards this goal.
Recovery phase
Mr. Maduro said that successful 2021, his state had gone from a achy signifier to a betterment phase, with sustained maturation successful science, innovation, exertion and “spiritual capacity”.
“We person taken the way of betterment and integral maturation for our nation. We person taken the way of deploying the productive forces of a state subjected to an infernal blockade, transgression persecution, and the cruel torture of its economical and societal body. And tin we accidental to the peoples of the satellite with courage, decisiveness, quality and wisdom: ‘Yes’, we tin look the imperial aggressions and determination forward”, helium underscored.
The President added that this twelvemonth has besides seen Venezuela advance towards an inclusive bid dialogue, arsenic good arsenic the holding of determination and section elections successful November.
“We person started respective dialogues with business, social, governmental and national sectors. We person ratified the way of dialogue… precocious we had a nationalist bid and sovereignty dialog connected August 13”, helium told the Assembly.
He besides announced that with the enactment of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the peculiar diplomatic assistance of Norway, the Russian Federation, and the Netherlands, his state was addressing a broad docket to beforehand successful the societal and economical recovery.
A caller world
Finally, Mr. Maduro called for the “building of a caller world”, escaped of hegemony and based connected the principles of multilateralism and planetary law.
“A caller satellite that emerges from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and from the autochthonal peoples of the United States of America. A caller satellite that is reborn to extremity the aged hegemonies, to enactment an extremity to the pretense of immoderate to go policemen and judges of each the peoples of the world”, helium said, adding that this caller satellite needed a caller United Nations arsenic well.
“Venezuela stands up with its ain dependable for that caller world”, helium concluded.
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