Category: International

‘We are one’: musical performance ‘King Clavé’ reveals ...

Based on the core belief that “humanity is deeply interconnected” and “we are one”, the new performance piece, "King Clavé" is add...

Keep raising your voices, UN chief tells young climate ...

With the climate crisis already devastating lives and incomes, young people will be critical to driving global action forward, UN ...

Comprehensive support needed for Haitians facing expuls...

Vulnerable Haitian men, women and children on the move in the Americas, should not be expelled from countries where they have foun...

UN recognizes work of 2 million seafarers in ‘extraordi...

The United Nations celebrates World Maritime Day on Thursday, highlighting the role of the men and women who work at sea. Seafarer...

Climate action: ‘Time is running out’, UN chief tells m...

With just one month left until the COP26 climate change conference, countries must do more to reduce emissions, finance climate ac...

Food waste: a global problem that undermines healthy di...

A lack of food, hunger and malnutrition affect every country in the world, the UN said on Tuesday, in an urgent appeal for action ...

Now is the time to push for political resolution in Syr...

Following a decade of appalling suffering and losses in Syria, and amid a current period of relative calm, now is the time to push...

COVID-19 caused ‘shocking’ inequalities: human rights c...

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has caused and perpetuated “truly shocking” inequality that has affected the world’s most vulnerable i...

DR Congo: Abuse allegations amid Ebola outbreak ‘a sick...

Sexual abuse and exploitation allegedly carried out by World Health Organization (WHO) staff during the UN health agency’s respons...

Guinea: Justice for 2009 massacre must be at heart of p...

The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict on Tuesday urged authorities in Guinea to abide by their commitment t...

New approach needed to make digital data flow beneficia...

The world needs a new approach to allow as many people as possible to access digital data across borders, the UN Conference on Tra...

Yemeni humanitarian organization wins Nansen Refugee Aw...

The Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development, a Yemeni humanitarian organization that has supported tens of thousands ...

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