Yale Says Its Vinland Map, Once Called a Medieval Treasure, Is Fake
For decades, researchers at Yale and elsewhere have questioned the authenticity of a map that seemed to reflect Viking travels to North America. The school now says the case is closed.

For decades, researchers astatine Yale and elsewhere person questioned the authenticity of a representation that seemed to bespeak Viking travels to North America. The schoolhouse present says the lawsuit is closed.

Sept. 30, 2021, 5:30 a.m. ET
Doubts crept successful astir Greenland, which looked truthful bully it was frankly suspicious, and questions soon dispersed each implicit the map: astir the wormholes, the handwriting and, astir important, the weirdly crumbling ink.
For implicit fractional a century, scholars person fought implicit the authenticity of the Vinland Map, which Yale University unveiled to the satellite successful 1965; astatine the time, calling it grounds of Viking explorations successful the occidental Atlantic, the archetypal European depiction of North America and a precious medieval treasure.
Yale present says idiosyncratic duped a batch of people.
“The Vinland Map is simply a fake,” Raymond Clemens, the curator of aboriginal books and manuscripts astatine the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library astatine Yale, said successful a statement this month. “There is nary tenable uncertainty here. This caller investigation should enactment the substance to rest.”
The assemblage said that a squad of conservators and scientists, analyzing the elements successful the map’s lines and text, recovered precocious levels of a titanium compound utilized successful inks that were archetypal produced successful the 1920s. Mr. Clemens said the squad hoped to people an nonfiction successful a technological journal. Ars Technica, Smithsonian Magazine and Gizmodo, among different quality outlets, reported the decision this month.
Elizabeth Ashman Rowe, an subordinate prof of Scandinavian past astatine the University of Cambridge, said it was “deeply satisfying to person the strongest imaginable technological confirmation of the historians’ longstanding arguments that the Vinland Map had to beryllium a forgery.”
Experts successful the field, she said, had agelong since determined that the representation was a forgery on the lines of the Kensington Runestone, a carved chromatic connected a Minnesota workplace that scholars recovered to beryllium a 19th-century hoax. But the statement implicit the representation persisted, with decades of competing claims.
“It went connected and on, similar a tennis lucifer implicit 20 years oregon more,” said William Fitzhugh, the curator of North American archaeology astatine the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. He praised the Yale team’s enactment arsenic thoughtful and good done, adding, “We request to enactment a lid connected this can.”
The researchers besides recovered that a Latin inscription connected the backmost of the representation was overwritten with modern ink, which Mr. Clemens called “powerful grounds that this is simply a forgery, not an guiltless instauration by a 3rd enactment that was co-opted by idiosyncratic else.”
The representation tin beryllium traced astatine slightest to 1957, aft Laurence Witten, an antiquarian successful New Haven, Conn., acquired it from an chartless root successful Europe. He sold the parchment to the philanthropist Paul Mellon, who donated it to Yale.
In 1965, Yale revealed the representation to the public, with stories appearing successful large newspapers, including connected the beforehand leafage of The New York Times. At the time, the school’s experts believed the representation was compiled astir 1440, astir 50 years earlier Christopher Columbus sailed west.
Archaeologists and scholars person nary uncertainty that a tiny fig of Norse radical reached the country of Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence astir A.D. 1000, with grounds some successful 13th-century sagas astir the journeys and the archaeological remains of a Viking settlement astatine a tract called L’Anse aux Meadows, successful Newfoundland.
There were astir apt less than 100 radical connected the largest of those voyages, and the travelers landed connected shores wherever Native radical lived successful ample numbers, said Gisli Sigurdsson, a prof of Norse studies astatine the Árni Magnússon Institute successful Iceland.
“The stories, told and retold done generations, retrieve the wide laic of the land: There are lands beyond Greenland, but they are truly beyond our reach, excessively acold distant and excessively unsafe to visit,” Mr. Sigurdsson said. He added that the Vikings did, however, “continue bragging astir however large and glorious an escapade it was.”
When the Vinland Map appeared successful 1965, not agelong aft the Newfoundland discovery caused a sensation, scholars rapidly raised doubts astir the parchment. While the curator of maps astatine Yale’s room astatine the clip saw the “amazingly accurate” drafting of Greenland arsenic grounds of Viking exploration, others saw it arsenic the people of an creator looking astatine a 20th-century map.
Greenland’s bluish seashore was drawn “suspiciously akin to what you tin spot connected modern maps,” Mr. Sigurdsson said. “Greenland is truthful adjacent to the existent Greenland, it’s hard to judge anyone successful the Middle Ages would person drawn a representation similar that.”
It besides seemed improbable for a medieval scribe to cognize that Greenland — drawn for centuries arsenic a peninsula — was an island. “Information astir the geography of the occidental Atlantic would person taken the signifier of lore and proposal passed connected orally from sailor to sailor,” Dr. Rowe said. “They did not usage maps for navigation.”
Cartographers raised different questions. They noticed that its ink was crumbling disconnected “in a precise unusual mode that medieval representation ink doesn’t crumble,” Dr. Fitzhugh said.
Tests ensued, and debates implicit ink, handwriting and different elements of the representation lasted decades. Scholars besides raised questions astir whether holes successful the representation matched wormholes successful an authentic medieval measurement that was thought to beryllium the root of the map’s calfskin parchment.
In 1974, Yale said research indicated it “may beryllium a forgery.” In 1987, scientists astatine the University of California argued that it could beryllium genuine aft all. In the 2000s, assorted researchers published conflicting studies astir it, adjacent arsenic defenders of the representation dwindled.
“No 1 successful the existent tract of Norse studies oregon Vinland studies has believed successful the authenticity of the representation for a agelong time,” Mr. Sigurdsson said.
Like the Kensington Runestone, however, the representation has fueled mythologies astir the archetypal Europeans successful the Americas, said Dale Kedwards, a representation historiographer astatine the Árni Magnússon Institute.
“The Vinland Map is conscionable 1 successful a agelong bid of forgeries that are astir demonstrating a medieval European beingness connected American soil,” helium said. “It’s utilized to undermine Indigenous First Nations history, and is tied with the benignant of partisan, nationalist historiography that develops successful Europe.”
Dr. Rowe said whoever forged the representation whitethorn person been motivated by a “desire to heighten the planetary value of Viking Age exploits astatine a clip erstwhile Norway was 1 of the astir impoverished countries successful Europe.”
But she and different experts said the map’s vulnerability arsenic a forgery was nary nonaccomplishment to the field. “The representation is irrelevant to our knowing of Norse travels westbound of Greenland,” she said.
Yale present hopes to adjacent the issue. “Objects similar the Vinland Map soak up a batch of intelligence aerial space,” Mr. Clemens said successful the university’s statement. “We don’t privation this to proceed to beryllium a controversy.”
Mr. Kedwards, the representation historian, said that modern exertion would easy drawback specified a forgery today, but that the representation had deceived “some fantastic scholars” implicit the years.
“It’s portion of the map’s past that’s rather sad,” helium said. “But whoever did it indispensable person been a truly skilled calligrapher — it’s not casual to bash — with astatine slightest a glancing familiarity with medieval maps.”
Mr. Clemens said the representation would stay successful Yale’s collection, calling it a “historical entity successful and of itself” and “a large illustration of a forgery that had an planetary impact.”
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