With region ‘at a crossroads’, Palestinian President calls on UN’s Guterres to convene international peace conference
The President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas on Friday called on the UN Secretary-General to convene an international peace conference and said that to ensure that this initiative is not open-ended, Israel must withdraw from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem within one year.

Speaking connected the 4th time of the high-level week of the General Assembly, successful a pre-recorded message, Mr. Abbas said the inaugural should beryllium “in enactment with the internationally-recognized presumption of notation and United Nations resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, and nether the sole auspices of the planetary Quartet.”
He besides asked UN chief António Guterres “to work on the ground of the applicable United Nations resolutions connected protection” in order “to instrumentality the indispensable steps towards processing an planetary mechanics for protection.” The mechanism should beryllium activated “on the borders of the occupied State of Palestine successful 1967, including East Jerusalem.”
“To guarantee our inaugural is not open-ended, we indispensable authorities that Israel, the occupying Power, has 1 twelvemonth to retreat from the Palestinian territory it occupied successful 1967, including East Jerusalem,” helium explained. “And we are acceptable to enactment passim this twelvemonth connected the delineation of borders and solving each last presumption issues nether the auspices of the planetary Quartet and successful accordance with United Nations resolutions.”
“The planetary community’s enactment for this initiative, accordant with planetary instrumentality and United Nations resolutions, whitethorn prevention the portion from an chartless fate,” he added.
Two-state solution
Mahmoud Abbas noted that, 2021 marks the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, a word utilized to refer to the events surrounding the constitution of the State of Israel.
“More than fractional the Palestinian radical were uprooted from their onshore and deprived of their spot successful that time. Myself, my household and galore others inactive person the deeds to our land. These deeds are registered arsenic portion of the United Nations’ records,” Mr. Abbas said, holding a papers helium said was his household deed.
“Here is that deed, and galore Palestinians transportation theirs, arsenic they inactive clasp onto the keys of their houses to this day. We person not been capable to retrieve our properties owed to Israeli laws that disregard planetary instrumentality and interruption United Nations resolutions.”
He said it was “regrettable that the policies of the planetary assemblage and the decisions of the applicable United Nations bodies regarding a solution for the ‘Question of Palestine’ have until present not been upheld and implemented.”
Addressing home issues, helium assured that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) “is the morganatic and sole typical of the Palestinian people” and that they are committed to holding legislative and statesmanlike elections and to the Palestinian National Council “as soon arsenic holding specified elections successful Jerusalem is guaranteed arsenic per signed agreements.”
“We telephone connected the planetary assemblage to assistance america bring unit to carnivore upon the occupying Power to guarantee these elections are held successful Jerusalem arsenic we cannot proceed being deprived of elections,” helium said.
Mr. Abbas also referred to the “constructive dialogue” currently underway with the United States Administration to resume Palestinian-US relations.
“From our side, we volition strive to win successful this endeavor truthful arsenic to make conditions conducive to moving swiftly towards a last governmental colony that ends the Israeli concern of our country,” helium assured.
He warned, though, that the current and erstwhile Israeli governments “have persisted successful evading the two-State solution based connected planetary instrumentality and UN resolutions.”
“These unilateral plans volition not execute information and stableness for anyone arsenic they undermine efforts for a genuine bid and prolong concern and entrench the world of 1 apartheid state,” helium added.
For Mr. Abbas, “this is simply a infinitesimal of truth” and the portion is astatine “a crossroads.”
“We person extended our hands clip and clip again for bid and inactive we cannot find a spouse successful Israel that believes successful and accepts the two-State solution,” helium assured. “The leaders of Israel nary longer consciousness immoderate shame portion stating their blunt absorption to this solution that is supported by planetary consensus.”
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