‘We can end the pandemic’, UN chief says in new call for global vaccine plan
UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday repeated his call for a global COVID-19 vaccination plan to boost production and reach millions over the coming months, in line with recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Speaking astatine a acme connected the planetary pandemic, hosted by United States President Joseph Biden, the UN main stressed that the determination is not philanthropy, but self-interest.
“Global wellness information until present has failed, to the tune of 4.5 cardinal lives, and counting. We person effectual vaccines against COVID-19. We tin extremity the pandemic,” helium told the online meeting.
At the summit, the US pledged to donate adjacent twelvemonth immoderate 500 cardinal much doses of Pfizer-BioNtech shots to processing countries, with Mr. Biden promising an “arsenal of vaccines”. This would reportedly bring the full US committedness to sharing doses supra the 1 cardinal mark.
‘A seller’s market’
The Secretary-General outlined inequities successful vaccine distribution.
Although much than 5.7 cardinal doses person been administered globally, 73 per cent person been successful conscionable 10 countries, and conscionable 3 per cent of radical successful Africa person had innoculations.
The G7 starring concern nations precocious pledged a cardinal doses, but this represents a fraction of what is needed, and has yet to afloat materialize.
“And portion vaccines were developed with nationalist funds, they are emerging arsenic a $100 cardinal industry, with middle-income countries spending hundreds of millions of dollars to immunize their radical successful a seller’s market”, said Mr. Guterres, adding “This is not lone disappointing. It is baffling.”
Plan for action
The Secretary-General continues to propulsion for the planetary vaccination plan, expressing anticipation that the US acme would beryllium “a measurement successful that direction”.
His program calls for astatine slightest doubling vaccine accumulation to guarantee 2.3 cardinal doses are equitably distributed done the vaccine solidarity initiative, COVAX.
The extremity is to scope 40 per cent of radical worldwide by the extremity of this year, and 70 per cent successful the archetypal fractional of 2022, per targets acceptable by WHO.
The UN main said the program could beryllium implemented by an exigency squad that volition enactment with pharmaceutical companies to treble vaccine accumulation and guarantee equitable distribution.
Membership would see vaccine producing countries, and those with accumulation potential, arsenic good arsenic WHO, COVAX partners, planetary fiscal institutions, and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
“This is indispensable to lick the problems of intelligence property, the problems of method enactment to the countries that tin nutrient vaccines but request to beryllium definite that they person each the information guarantees successful their accumulation and, together, the powerfulness and the wealth that the radical of countries I mentioned have,” said Mr. Guterres.
The adjacent pandemic
Looking ahead, helium warned that the adjacent pandemic cannot beryllium managed “with tools tailored to the past.”
He urged countries to usage recommendations made by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response arsenic a starting constituent for urgent reforms to fortify planetary health.
“The World Health Organization indispensable beryllium empowered, its authorization enhanced and amended funded truthful that it tin play a starring relation successful coordinating exigency response,” said the UN chief.
“Global wellness information and preparedness indispensable beryllium strengthened done sustained governmental committedness and enactment astatine the highest level. Low and middle-income countries indispensable beryllium capable to make and entree wellness technologies.”
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