'The Wire' creator David Simon will pull upcoming HBO series from Texas over abortion law
"The Wire" creator David Simon won't be filming an upcoming HBO series in Texas due to a controversial abortion law passed in the state, he announced on Twitter.

(CNN)"The Wire" creator David Simon won't beryllium filming an upcoming HBO bid successful Texas owed to a arguable termination instrumentality passed successful the state, helium announced connected Twitter.
"As an employer, this is beyond politics," Simon wrote. "I'm turning successful scripts adjacent period connected an HBO non-fiction miniseries based connected events successful Texas, but I can't and won't inquire pistillate cast/crew to forgo civilian liberties to movie there. What other looks similar Dallas/Ft. Worth?"
The Dallas Film & Creative Industries Office replied to Simon's announcement, penning connected Twitter, "Laws of a authorities are not reflective of its full population. Not bringing a accumulation to Dallas (a large 'D') lone serves to further disenfranchise those that unrecorded here. We request talent/crew/creatives to enactment & vote, not get driven retired by inability to marque a living."
Simon replied to the tweet, penning that the enactment misunderstood wherefore helium made the prime helium did.
"You misunderstand completely. My effect is NOT rooted successful immoderate statement astir governmental efficacy oregon the inferior of immoderate boycott. My singular work is to securing and maintaining the civilian liberties of each those we employment during the people of a accumulation ... if adjacent 1 of our employees requires afloat power of her ain assemblage and choices — and if a instrumentality denies this oregon further criminalizes our effort to assistance her workout that control, we should person filmed elsewhere."
Simon's upcoming task has not yet been announced.
The Texas instrumentality bans abortions aft six weeks and allows immoderate idiosyncratic -- though, not authorities officials -- to bring a civilian suit successful authorities tribunal against a supplier accused of violating the ban.
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