Sudan striving for ‘common goal’ of peace, prosperity, freedom and justice
Sudan continues the path to democracy, two years after the revolution that “carried the aspirations of our people for freedom, peace and justice”, Prime Minister Abdalla Adam Hamdok told the UN General Assembly on Saturday.

Sudan continues the way to democracy, 2 years aft the revolution that “carried the aspirations of our radical for freedom, bid and justice”, Prime Minister Abdalla Adam Hamdok told the UN General Assembly connected Saturday.
The gyration began successful December 2018, starring to the April 2019 overthrow of erstwhile President Omar Al-Bashir, who had ruled for 3 decades.
'A communal goal'
In a pre-recorded statement, Prime Minister Hamdok said Sudan’s transitional authorities continues to instrumentality policies successful areas specified arsenic regularisation of law, quality rights and economical reform, portion besides launching societal extortion programmes to support the astir susceptible citizens.
“These programmes and these policies underpin a communal goal, and that is gathering a harmless and unchangeable Sudan wherever everyone lives successful peace, prosperity state and justice, arsenic expressed successful the slogans of the glorious gyration of December,” helium said, speaking done an interpreter.
Sudan is besides striving to amended information successful the volatile Darfur region, helium added, done implementation of a 2020 accord betwixt the authorities and cardinal equipped groups, which was signed successful Juba, superior of neighbouring South Sudan.
Support big communities
Regarding humanitarian issues, the Prime Minister said his Government has “rapidly lifted” constraints and obstacles hindering assistance transportation successful struggle areas, but helium called for greater planetary enactment to code the concern of refugees and section communities hosting them.
“Sudan, fixed its geographical location, has witnessed a travel of refugees from neighboring countries which are facing development, economic, information and governmental challenges,” helium said.
“Conditions successful exile camps are amended than those successful galore big communities, truthful the planetary assemblage needs to efficaciously lend to the improvement of these communities arsenic portion of distributing the load involved.”
Ongoing dam dispute
Prime Minister Hamdok besides addressed the decade-long disagreement implicit the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), acceptable to beryllium the largest hydroelectric powerfulness task successful Africa.
Ethiopia began gathering the dam successful 2011, and the African Union (AU) has been starring negotiations betwixt the country, Egypt and Sudan.
In July, the UN Security Council convened its 2nd gathering connected the issue, aft Ethiopia announced the dam had begun to capable again. In his briefing to the Council, UN Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, reported caller talks had yielded small progress.
While rejecting “all unilateral measures”, Mr. Hamdok said “we are acceptable to enactment successful immoderate peaceful inaugural bringing each parties unneurotic to scope an statement successful each parties’ interest.”
‘A caller phase’
Despite the caller progress, Sudan inactive needs planetary support, the Prime Minister said. He thanked countries, including those that person offered indebtedness forgiveness, and pointed to lessons learned from the hybrid AU-UN ngo successful Darfur, UNAMID, which concluded its mandate past December.
A follow-on mission, UNITAMS, has launched “a caller phase”, helium said, expressing anticipation that it volition lend to gathering peace.
Full speech, successful Arabic, linked here.
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