Strict quarantine for unvaccinated at Beijing 2022
The details covering the COVID-19 requirements for the 2022 Beijing Olympics have been revealed.
A 21-day quarantine for non-fully vaccinated athletes, officials and workers astatine the 2022 Beijing Olympics. Daily investigating for vaccinated people. No tickets sold to anyone surviving extracurricular China arsenic Olympic venues unfastened their doors again.
Restrictions imposed to power the COVID-19 pandemic astatine the adjacent Winter Games successful February were announced Wednesday by the International Olympic Committee.
While not imposing a vaccine mandate, organisers successful Beijing program stricter rules than applied astatine the Tokyo Olympics wherever vaccination was advised though not demanded wrong a strict authorities of testing.
"Games participants who are not afloat vaccinated volition person to service a 21-day quarantine upon accomplishment successful Beijing," the IOC said successful a statement.The Emblem of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games is installed astatine Shijingshan territory connected August 1, 2021 successful Beijing, China. (Photo by VCG/VCG via Getty Images) (Getty)
Olympic athletes tin inquire to debar quarantine, the IOC said, for a "justified aesculapian exemption" — a operation that appeared to exclude ideological objections to vaccines.
It volition beryllium the 2nd consecutive Olympics during the pandemic wherever families of athletes cannot sojourn the big state to ticker the events.
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The IOC acknowledged "all parties consciousness for the athletes and the spectators from astir the world."
Residents of the big country, however, should beryllium capable to be the 109 medal events aft spectators were barred from astir each of the 339 events successful Tokyo.
"Tickets volition beryllium sold exclusively to spectators residing successful China's mainland, who conscionable the requirements of the COVID-19 countermeasures," the Olympic assemblage said, though details were not given.
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Guests of stakeholders specified arsenic sports bodies, sponsors and broadcasters volition besides beryllium excluded again.
Olympic organisers program to run a wellness information bubble — called a "closed-loop absorption system" — adjacent for vaccinated radical from Jan. 23, astir 2 weeks earlier the Winter Games unfastened Feb. 4.
It volition enactment successful spot for astir 2 months until aft the Beijing Paralympic Winter Games adjacent connected March 13.
"Within the closed-loop, participants volition beryllium allowed to determination lone betwixt games-related venues for training, competitions and work," the IOC said, promising a "dedicated games transport system."
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The Beijing program should let vaccinated radical freer question wrong the Olympic bubble than the 14-day restrictions that applied connected accomplishment successful Tokyo.
The rules were announced aft a gathering betwixt the IOC and International Paralympic Committee with organisers successful China.
The Beijing Winter Olympics are being held from Feb. 4-20. The Paralympic Winter Games volition beryllium held from 4 until 13 March.
Preparations person been affected with astir each planetary sports competitions astatine games venues cancelled since the COVID-19 outbreak dispersed from China successful January 2020.
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