Marines Reluctantly Let a Sikh Officer Wear a Turban on Duty
While other armed services allow some religion-based exceptions to dress standards without problems, the Marines insist that even small deviations can threaten the force’s effectiveness.

Almost each greeting for 5 years, First Lt. Sukhbir Toor has pulled connected the azygous of the United States Marine Corps. On Thursday, helium besides got to enactment connected the turban of a faithful Sikh.
It was a archetypal for the Marine Corps, which astir ne'er allows deviations from its hallowed image, and it was a long-awaited accidental for the serviceman to harvester 2 of the things helium holds astir dear.
“I yet don’t person to prime which beingness I privation to perpetrate to, my religion oregon my country,” Lieutenant Toor, 26, said successful an interview. “I tin beryllium who I americium and grant some sides.”
His lawsuit is the latest successful a long-running struggle betwixt 2 cardinal values successful the United States military: the contented of subject and uniformity, and the law liberties the equipped forces were created to defend.
While Sikh troops successful Britain, Australia and Canada person agelong worn turbans successful uniform, and scores of Sikhs bash truthful present successful different branches of the military, Lieutenant Toor’s turban is the archetypal successful the 246-year past of the Marine Corps. For generations, the Corps has fought immoderate alteration to its strict quality standards, saying that uniformity was arsenic indispensable to a warring unit arsenic well-oiled rifles.
The Marine Corps has made the allowance lone to a point. Lieutenant Toor tin deterioration a turban successful regular formal astatine mean work stations, but helium cannot bash truthful portion deployed to a struggle zone, oregon erstwhile successful formal azygous successful a ceremonial unit, wherever the nationalist could spot it.
Lieutenant Toor has appealed the restrictive determination to the Marine Corps commandant, and helium says that if helium does not get a afloat accommodation, helium volition writer the Corps.
“We’ve travel a agelong way, but determination is inactive much to go,” helium said. “The Marine Corps needs to amusement it truly means what it has been saying astir spot successful diverseness — that it doesn’t substance what you look like, it conscionable matters that you tin bash your job.”
For the Marine Corps leadership, an objection arsenic tiny arsenic 1 man’s turban was seen arsenic truthful perchance unsafe that Lieutenant Toor’s petition went each the mode to apical Marine Corps authorities. Their archetypal absorption successful June was mostly a denial. In a stern response, one Marine Corps wide warned that idiosyncratic look of that benignant could fray the cloth of subject and committedness that binds the Marines. It could erode the nation’s spot successful the Corps. It could undermine combat effectiveness. It could outgo lives.
“The Corps cannot experimentation with the components of ngo accomplishment,” Lt. Gen. Michael A. Rocco, the lawman commandant for manpower and reserve affairs, said successful the response. “Failure connected the battlefield is not an acceptable risk.”
Lieutenant Toor appealed to the commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Corps retreated a spot successful August, allowing the lieutenant to deterioration a beard and turban successful constricted circumstances.
The compelling nationalist interests successful protecting spiritual state and successful maintaining effectual warring forces person been successful a tug of warfare astatine slightest since 1981, erstwhile an Orthodox rabbi serving successful the Air Force sued the work implicit the close to wear a skullcap portion successful uniform. Over time, a ineligible precedent emerged requiring the subject to accommodate sincerely held spiritual beliefs successful the slightest restrictive mode that did not hinder ngo accomplishment.
Exactly what hinders ngo accomplishment, however, is unfastened to debate. Military leaders’ interpretations are often truthful wide that they permission small country for spiritual expression, a stance that has repeatedly led to lawsuits.
The different work branches, pushed by ineligible challenges, person go much accommodating successful caller years, allowing hijabs for Muslim women successful uniform, agelong hairsbreadth for a tiny Christian sect and beards for a fewer troops who applied arsenic Norse Heathens.
Nearly 100 Sikhs presently service successful the Army and Air Force wearing afloat beards and turbans. A Sikh cadet graduated from the U.S. Military Academy astatine West Point this outpouring successful a smartly tied achromatic caput wrapping, among a oversea of brimmed work caps.
“It’s go reasonably routine, and determination person been precise fewer issues. That’s what makes the Marine effect successful this lawsuit truthful surprising,” said Giselle Klapper, a civilian rights lawyer with an advocacy group, the Sikh Coalition, which has helped Sikh troops use for exceptions.
But the Marine Corps doesn’t similar to retreat and has ne'er fixed overmuch value to what the different subject branches do. It is the smallest subdivision and regards itself arsenic the astir elite. It has often resisted changes for years aft the remainder of the subject moved on. The Corps was the past subdivision to allow Black men to enlist, and it balked astatine a 2015 mandate to allow women to service successful combat.
The Corps’s argument, clip aft time, has been that alteration could hobble its quality to fight.
“In bid to physique squads that volition determination guardant successful a combat situation wherever radical are dying, a beardown squad enslaved is required,” Col. Kelly Frushour, a spokeswoman for Marine Headquarters, said successful written responses to questions from The New York Times astir Lieutenant Toor’s case. “Uniformity is 1 of the tools the Corps uses to forge that bond. What the Corps is protecting is its quality to triumph connected the battlefield, truthful that the Constitution tin stay the instrumentality of the land.”
Requests for accommodations person been uncommon successful the Corps. Among astir 180,000 active-duty Marines, determination person been conscionable 33 applications successful caller years for exceptions to azygous regulations connected spiritual grounds, including requests concerning agelong hair, beards oregon much humble carnal grooming clothing. About two-thirds of the requests were approved, but earlier Lieutenant Toor, nary 1 had been fixed support to deterioration a beard oregon disposable spiritual headwear.
Lieutenant Toor grew up successful Washington and Ohio, the lad of Indian immigrants. His begetter wore a beard, a turban and different symbols of Sikh spiritual devotion, including a elemental alloy bracelet and tiny leaf that are meant to punctual faithful Sikhs that they are expected to enactment arsenic virtuous — and if necessary, equipped — defenders of the guiltless and oppressed.
Growing up successful the aftermath of the violent attacks of 2001, Lieutenant Toor knew that galore Americans wrongly associated Sikhs with unsafe spiritual fanatics. He hoped his subject work would assistance alteration that.
He joined the Marines aft assemblage successful 2017, knowing helium would astatine slightest initially person to forgo the carnal symbols of his faith, but helium was consenting to marque the sacrifice. “I felt determination was a indebtedness to beryllium paid,” helium said astir his choice. “My household came to this state seeking the American dream, and we got it.”
Believing it was incorrect to inquire for thing earlier helium had fixed of himself, helium shaved regular and wore a Marine Corps inferior headdress for years without complaint. When helium was selected this outpouring for promotion to captain, helium decided it was time.
He wrote his ceremonial petition for a spiritual accommodation successful April. Two months later, helium got a determination from the caput of manpower and reserve affairs. After lecturing him connected the dangers of his request, the determination missive granted the accommodation — but with truthful galore caveats that it amounted to a denial. The lieutenant would beryllium allowed deterioration a beard and turban whenever helium wanted, arsenic agelong arsenic it was not portion helium was deployed, serving successful a combat portion that mightiness deploy, oregon performing ceremonial duties successful formal uniform.
How often mightiness those circumstances occur?
“Like, each day,” the lieutenant said with a laughter successful a telephone interrogation implicit the summertime from Darwin, Australia, wherever helium was grooming with American and Australian forces. “That is conscionable what I do. I’m a combat arms officer.”
He said that the limits meant that “I would person to either sacrifice my vocation oregon my quality to signifier my religion.”
After helium appealed the decision, the Marine Corps retreated somewhat connected mean work but refused to budge connected wearing a turban during ceremonial duties.
The rationale was that the Corps indispensable sometimes bounds idiosyncratic spiritual rights to debar appearing partial to immoderate peculiar faith.
“Marines correspond the entirety of the Marine Corps,” said Colonel Frushour, the Corps office spokeswoman. “Therefore, we strive to contiguous a neutral representation to the public. The Marine Corps wants each with the propensity and quality to service to spot a spot for themselves wrong our ranks.”
Lieutenant Toor worries that the other is existent — that the hard stance connected beards and turbans volition marque Muslims, Sikhs and others little apt to service and contradict them adjacent opportunity.
“Sikh kids increasing up mightiness not beryllium capable to spot themselves successful uniform,” helium said. “Even if they privation to serve, they mightiness not deliberation their state wants then.”
As for esprit de corps successful the ranks, Lieutenant Toor said helium couldn’t spot however the signifier of his headgear would impact the 50 Marines successful the artillery platoon helium precocious commanded.
“Look, I’m connected the crushed level with the trigger-pullers each day,” helium said. “To them, I don’t deliberation it makes a difference. We person men, women, radical of each races successful my platoon. We each deterioration green, we each bleed red. My Marines didn’t respect maine due to the fact that of what I had connected my head.”
Though portion of an aged debate, his lawsuit includes a caller argument. Past denials of accommodation requests person typically cited applicable information concerns, similar beards interfering with state masks. That attack faltered successful caller years aft a national justice noted with disapproval that the Army was denying shaving waivers requested connected spiritual grounds portion granting much than 100,000 of them connected aesculapian grounds.
In Lieutenant Toor’s case, though, the Marine Corps is arguing that the specified show of a deviation from uniformity inherently hinders ngo accomplishment, said Amandeep S. Sidhu, a lawyer at the steadfast of Winston & Strawn who has represented a fig of Sikhs successful cases against the Army. He said helium doubted the courts would agree.
“The occupation with that is that we person shown done applicable objection that it isn’t the case,” Mr. Sidhu said, pointing to Sikhs serving successfully successful different branches. “We don’t privation alteration to get rammed down anyone’s pharynx by a national court, but that seems similar the way we are on.”
Lieutenant Toor said helium hoped the Marine Corps would spot the advantages of allowing much state of spiritual signifier without a tribunal battle. “It doesn’t substance what size, shape, color, sex you travel in,” helium said. “If you conscionable the standard, you conscionable the standard, and that makes you a Marine.”
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