Keep raising your voices, UN chief tells young climate leaders
With the climate crisis already devastating lives and incomes, young people will be critical to driving global action forward, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told participants attending the Pre-COP Youth Event in Milan, Italy, on Thursday.

With the clime situation already devastating lives and incomes, young radical volition beryllium captious to driving planetary enactment forward, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told participants attending the Pre-COP Youth Event successful Milan, Italy, connected Thursday.
Hundreds of delegates from crossed the satellite are taking portion successful the meeting, which is simply a precursor to the UN COP26 clime alteration conference successful Glasgow, Scotland, successful November.
‘Code reddish for humanity’
“Young radical person been successful the forefront of putting guardant affirmative solutions, advocating for clime justness and holding leaders to account. We request young radical everyplace to support raising your voices,” helium said successful a video message.
The Secretary-General described the clime exigency arsenic a “code reddish for humanity”, with the poorest and astir susceptible already hardest hit.
“The model of accidental to forestall the worst impacts of the clime situation is closing quickly. We cognize what needs to beryllium done and we person the tools to bash it,” helium said.
Deliver connected promises
Mr. Guterres urged the young clime leaders to support speaking up “for a breakthrough successful gathering resilience and ensuring that astatine slightest 50 per cent of clime enactment is for adaptation to support lives and livelihoods.”
He outlined wherefore their voices are needed now, including to get developed countries to yet present connected their decade-old committedness to supply $100 cardinal dollars annually successful clime concern to processing nations.
Meanwhile, Governments, businesses and investors inactive person yet to trim their emissions successful enactment with the 1.5-degree extremity of the Paris Agreement, different country for younker advocacy.
The people means countries indispensable perpetrate to achieving net-zero greenhouse state emissions by the mediate of the century, and wide plans to execute them.
‘A almighty example’
The Secretary-General commended the Italian Government - which holds the co-presidency of COP26 with the United Kingdom - “for providing this planetary signifier for young radical to prosecute straight with policy-makers.”
He thanked young radical for contributing ideas and solutions successful beforehand of the UN clime conference.
“Your solidarity and demands for enactment acceptable a almighty example,” helium said. “We request nationalist leaders to travel your illustration and guarantee the ambition and results we request astatine COP26 and beyond.”
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