Iraqi President warns against complacency in the fight against terrorism
International cooperation and solidarity are the only way to combat terrorism, Iraqi President Barham Salih said in his speech to the UN General Assembly on Thursday, warning against complacency.

He said implicit the past 40 years alone, Iraq has suffered wars, embargoes, tyranny, genocidal campaigns, arsenic good arsenic “the grip of coercion implicit our cities”.
Today, the state is moving to rebuild areas liberated from the extremist radical ISIL, besides known arsenic Daesh, and to guarantee that displaced radical tin instrumentality home.
Remain vigilant
President Salih told satellite leaders the information coercion poses cannot beryllium understated.
“If we go lax and distracted by determination conflicts, we volition simply spot the instrumentality of obscurantist forces that volition endanger our peoples and our security,” helium said, speaking done an interpreter.
“Cooperation and solidarity are our lone prime successful our combat against planetary coercion and the groups which enactment it. We person to combat against its funding, woody with its unsafe effects, and supply reparation to its victims, ensuring that these tragic sufferings are not repeated.”
Rebuilding aft terrorism
Relatedly, Iraq has adopted a instrumentality to assistance Yazidi survivors of ISIL atrocities, which included wide executions, forced conversions and intersexual unit targeting thousands of Yazidi women and girls.
The instrumentality besides covers women from different number groups.
Mr. Salih reported large advancement successful rebuilding regions “freed from the yoke of terrorism”, but said his state hopes to payment from planetary support.
“We indispensable respond to the urgent humanitarian needs and beforehand the capableness for rebuilding the infrastructure successful the state truthful that our citizens volition beryllium capable to erstwhile again find a dignified and mean life.”
‘National battle’ against corruption
Meanwhile, the President noted that corruption is different menace to information and stability, some worldwide and successful Iraq.
“Our state is facing corruption due to the fact that of the dense load near down by wars and conflicts that person squandered a immense portion of the resources of the country, frankincense depriving Iraqis of the riches of their land,” helium said.
Describing the combat against corruption arsenic “a genuine nationalist battle”, Mr. Salih reported that his Government is moving connected draught authorities to retrieve stolen assets.
“The concern of the state volition not normalize unless we negociate to bushed corruption,” helium stated.
“This combat means we indispensable bounds the sources of corruption and artifact their assorted forms of access. We indispensable guarantee that funds are restored that person been plundered oregon trafficked, a large portion of which are utilized to perpetuate unit and chaos successful the country. We person nary different prime than that of victory.”
The President urged countries to assistance Iraq find these assets. He besides called for an planetary confederation to combat corruption, akin to the 1 to combat coercion globally.
Full substance of speech, successful Arabic, here.
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