Eminem served pasta to guests at his restaurant opening
Eminem surprised guests by serving up pasta at the grand opening of his Mom's Spaghetti restaurant in downtown Detroit on Wednesday.

(CNN)Eminem surprised guests by serving up pasta astatine the grand opening of his Mom's Spaghetti edifice successful downtown Detroit connected Wednesday.
Slim Shady himself was not expected to beryllium determination but drove up successful a car and soon appeared successful the serving window.
The sanction of the rapper's edifice is successful notation to a enactment from Eminem's 2002 deed "Lose Yourself."
"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy," Eminem raps successful the song. "There's vomit connected his sweater already, mom's spaghetti."
He was rapidly recognized by fans who took to societal media to station pictures of Em handing retired spaghetti, meatballs, and different Italian foods connected his menu. On the paper is Mom's Spaghetti for $9, Mom's Spaghetti with Meatballs for $12 and a 'Sgetti Sandwich, spaghetti connected bread, for $11.
"Mom's Spaghetti — it's each ready," the edifice proclaims successful a promo.
The Oscar and Grammy-winning rapper and histrion experimented with the eatery arsenic a pop-up edifice successful 2017.
The restaurant, located connected Woodward Ave., has constricted seating and a walk-up window.
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