DPRK says it will ‘respond willingly’ if US abandons ‘hostile policy’
The Permanent Representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the United Nations, Kim Song, said that if the United States “shows its bold decision to give up its hostile policy”, his country is “prepared to respond willingly at any time.”

“But it is our judgement that determination is nary prospect, astatine the contiguous stage, for the US to truly retreat its hostile argumentation towards the DPRK,” helium added.
The Ambassador was speaking connected the sixth, and final day of the high-level week of the General Assembly. After being held virtually past year due the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s gathering featured “hybrid” activities that included leaders successful idiosyncratic on with virtual participants.
United States involvement
For Mr. Song, it is “the tendency of the planetary assemblage to spot peaceful resolution of the contented of the Korean peninsula successful the interests of the Korean nation.”
Three decades since the extremity of the Cold War, helium said, the peninsula “is inactive successful a vicious rhythm of ever-looming aggravation of hostility and confrontation.”
The ambassador argued that the “main basal origin lies successful the hostile argumentation towards the DPRK”, mostly from the United States.
“Worse still, they person a misconception that the US has go hostile towards the DPRK owed to the atomic issue,” he said, but the United States has been “antagonizing the DPRK for much than 70 years.”
Sufficient subject power
For the Permanent Representative, “the imaginable outbreak of a caller warfare connected the Korean peninsula is contained not due to the fact that of the US’s mercy connected the DPRK.”
“It is due to the fact that our State is a growing reliable deterrent that tin power the hostile forces successful their attempts for subject invasion,” helium said.
“We person stored reliable powerfulness to support ourselves by exerting continuous efforts, with a wide penetration into the request of the times which necessitates america to person capable mightiness for nationalist defence successful the look of the geopolitical situation and the equilibrium of powerfulness connected the Korean peninsula arsenic good arsenic ever-straining planetary relations.”
He stressed, however, that his country does not privation to usage this power against immoderate nation. “In different words, we would ne'er interruption nor endanger the information of the US, South Korea and our neighboring countries,” helium explained.
United Nations’ reform
Pointing to the COVID-19 pandemic, global warming and conflicts all implicit the globe, helium said “it is nary exaggeration to accidental that the planetary assemblage is faced with the astir superior situation since the founding of the UN.”
To code these challenges, he proposed changes to the United Nations system, particularly the Security Council.
“[It] does not accidental a azygous connection astir the reckless arms buildup and warfare transgression acts by circumstantial countries, such arsenic the US, and its pursuing forces. It alternatively finds faults with the conscionable self-defensive measures of the DPRK astatine each chance,” helium said.
To reform the Council, helium proposed to Member States that the “representation of processing countries, which make up bulk successful the UN, should beryllium increased.”
For him, it is also “imperative” that the resolutions adopted astatine the Security Council could beryllium rejected by a contravening resolution from the General Assembly.
Next, he asked the planetary assemblage to “revitalize the enactment of the UN based connected the principles of sovereign equality and respect for adjacent rights and self-determination of the people.”
Mr. Song besides pointed to a satellite marked by “chaos, disorder, bloodshed and violence” that is caused by foreign intervention.
The Ambassador said that, to this day, some countries “try to unilaterally enforce the occidental values and ‘rules based planetary order’ upon sovereign states down the signboard of ‘defending democracy’ and ‘protecting human rights’."
For him, “such an effort to interfere successful the interior affairs is simply a gross usurpation of the rule of sovereign equality.”
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