Deepwatch announces managed detection and response solution for SMBs
The fully-automated security operations center solution comes with 24/7 support and sets up in less than an hour.

The fully-automated information operations halfway solution comes with 24/7 enactment and sets up successful little than an hour.

Image: deepwatch
Deepwatch, a managed detection and effect information provider, announced Tuesday a MDR solution for SMBs to support against cyber threats. With deepwatch MDR Essentials, smaller organizations tin deploy an automated information operations halfway successful little than 1 hr that integrates with their existing environments without further hardware oregon consulting.
As SMBs travel nether expanding onslaught by cyber criminals, accepted anti-malware bundle is nary longer close oregon broad capable to support against today's blase attacks, the institution said. In a caller Ponemon Institute survey, The Third Annual Study connected the State of Endpoint Security Risk, IT information professionals said existent anti-virus solutions missed 60% of attacks.
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According to a recent report from cybersecurity steadfast Positive Technologies, ransomware attacks person deed "stratospheric" levels. In Q2 of 2021, ransomware accounted for 69% of each attacks involving malware, a 30% summation from a twelvemonth earlier.
MDR Essentials comes pre-integrated with Splunk's information accusation and lawsuit absorption and Palo Alto's information orchestration, automation and effect software, and is delivered arsenic a managed information service. MDR Essentials includes 24/7 enactment from deepwatch's Squad Essentials squad of information analysts. Forensic investigation of information events and remediation are provided by deepwatch's partners and travel modular with MDR Essentials.
"It differs importantly from 'traditional' MSSPs, galore of which aggravated customers with precocious volumes of alerts without discourse oregon enactment for containment and response," said Bobby Christian, COO of deepwatch. "MDR Essentials leverages deepwatch playbooks, contented room and menace hunting outcomes to bolster detection, escalate lone existent positives and supply wide guidance connected remediation. This attack is antithetic from MSSP offerings but besides sets a caller modular for tiny and medium-sized concern security."
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MDR Essentials ingests information from starring Microsoft technologies and the bulk of technologies utilized by SMBs to alteration contiguous detection and effect coverage.
"Every organization, nary substance its size, has captious information and intelligence spot to support from cyber criminals," Christian said. "Medium-sized businesses person go charismatic targets for cyber criminals for ransomware attacks, and arsenic a mode to disrupt U.S. and planetary proviso chains. Traditional anti-malware bundle is not capable to support against these blase attacks."
Pricing and availability of deepwatch MDR Essentials
Deepwatch MDR Essentials is disposable for aboriginal entree customers contiguous astatine AWS Marketplace and done deepwatch's web of resellers General availability is scheduled for Q1 2022. Prices commencement astatine $50,000 per twelvemonth for companies successful the 300 to 800 worker range.
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