Antarctic seal numbers rose and fell with climate over 50,000 years
DNA suggests the Antarctic fur seal population has grown and shrunk as the climate has warmed and cooled, and this might help predict where the mammal will move in future

Mother and babe Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazelle) connected the formation astatine Fortuna Bay, South Georgia, Antarctica Peter Barritt / Alamy Stock Photo
The Antarctic fur seal colonisation has grown and shrunk implicit the past 50,000 years arsenic the clime has changed, a familial investigation suggests – and the uncovering could assistance america foretell wherever the marine predators volition take to unrecorded arsenic the clime continues to warm.
Today, Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) look loyal to the aforesaid islands, particularly those of South Georgia successful the southbound Atlantic Ocean. During the yearly breeding season, immoderate …
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