Alok Sharma: COP26 is for ordinary people, not just climate warriors
Alok Sharma, president of the Glasgow COP26 climate summit due to start in November, says “ordinary people” now understand the need to tackle global warming, not just environmentalists

By Adam Vaughan
COP26 president Alok Sharma during a gathering successful New Delhi, India, connected 18 August PRAKASH SINGH/AFP via Getty Images
The antheral charged with starring a palmy clime alteration acme successful 5 weeks’ clip insists helium is nary environmentalist – but is present convinced of the urgency of tackling planetary warming.
“I’m a mean person, right, I’m not idiosyncratic who’s immoderate large clime warrior coming into this,” says Alok Sharma, the president of the COP26 meeting, who took up the occupation successful February 2020. “But it has fixed maine a existent appreciation and knowing of wherefore it is truthful captious that we get this right.”
Sharma says that this knowing is besides spreading among the public, citing a caller chat with a caregiver performing a regular covid-19 test. “She said ‘thank you for what you said astir taking attraction of the clime yesterday connected the news’. This is resonating with mean radical similar me, who weren’t focused connected this necessarily. We person to get this right, for our procreation and aboriginal generations.”
It is an cognition shared by his boss, UK premier curate Boris Johnson. “I americium not 1 of those environmentalists who takes a motivation pleasance successful excoriating humanity for its excess,” Johnson told the UN General Assembly successful a code connected 22 September, wherever helium called connected the satellite to “grow up” connected clime alteration and said the COP26 acme successful Glasgow, UK, this November is simply a “turning point” for humanity.
COP26 is seen arsenic the astir important planetary clime gathering since 2015, erstwhile the satellite adopted the Paris Agreement to clasp planetary warming to beneath 1.5°C astatine champion and good beneath 2°C astatine the worst.
A 100 satellite leaders person said they volition be the acme successful Glasgow, making it the largest governmental gathering the UK has ever hosted. Sharma says that fig volition grow, though cardinal players specified arsenic Chinese president Xi Jinping haven’t yet confirmed whether they volition attend. “Of people we privation to spot arsenic galore [heads of state] arsenic possible,” helium says. US president Joe Biden has said helium volition beryllium there, on with precocious illustration figures including Pope Francis.
Sharma says helium had precise constructive but frank discussions with China’s apical clime diplomat, Xie Zhenhua, erstwhile helium visited China earlier this month. “I said it’s bully to get these commitments from the president, what we present request to spot is the elaborate policy. I anticipation immoderate of that whitethorn travel guardant earlier COP – the shot is precise overmuch successful China’s court.”
Sharma besides insists the acme tin support the 1.5°C people successful reach, contempt a caller UN report showing that planetary emissions are expected to emergence by 2030 alternatively than astir halving arsenic required to conscionable the somesthesia goal.
“I deliberation keeping 1.5°C live has to perfectly beryllium the aim,” helium says. “[But] the UN study was beauteous sobering.” It did incorporate agleam spots though, helium says – immoderate countries are connected way to chopped their emissions much than a tenth by 2030 and galore of the biggest polluters person yet to acceptable retired a revised emissions simplification plan, leaving the doorway unfastened for further enactment earlier COP26.
“If each the biggest emitters were to travel suit, we would marque a large dent connected wherever we request to beryllium by the extremity of this decade,” helium says. G20 countries delivering connected their promise successful July of much ambitious plans volition beryllium key, helium adds. Several, India included, person yet to taxable one.
While Sharma won’t beryllium drawn connected which countries Johnson volition sojourn successful the last weeks earlier COP26, helium says the premier curate is keen to marque it a success. “What I tin archer you is he’s been invested successful this process successful the calls he’s had bilaterally with satellite leaders,” says Sharma.
Sharma besides wants to spot affluent nations present connected a promise, made 12 years ago, to springiness $100 cardinal a twelvemonth of clime concern to poorer ones by 2020. In 2019, these funds were inactive $20 cardinal short but figures are rising – this week US president Joe Biden announced a doubling of the nation’s clime finance, to $11.4 cardinal a year, a measurement Sharma says provides a large boost.
“This $100 cardinal fig has go perfectly a substance of spot successful politics, but peculiarly successful clime politics. Trust is beauteous fragile. We request to rebuild this spot if we’re going to get everyone connected the aforesaid page,” says Sharma.
The curate has travelled to dozens of countries successful the past twelvemonth to physique enactment for the clime summit. He said a sojourn successful July to the Caribbean land of Barbuda, wherever helium witnessed the demolition near by Hurricane Irma successful 2017, was 1 of the astir moving experiences.
“The spot is inactive devastated, virtually it felt similar a hurricane came successful a fewer weeks ago. It’s been truly very, precise challenging for them. You’ve seen migration instrumentality place. This is 1 of the challenges with clime change: arsenic things get worse, migration is going to go a existent issue,” helium says. The Intergovernmental Panel connected Climate Change projects that migration volition turn this period due to the fact that of the changing climate.
Sharma says a typical of different tiny land authorities has told him that clime alteration meant they soon wouldn’t person a spot to telephone home. “It is arsenic stark arsenic that for millions and millions of radical astir the world,” helium says.
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