Abortion Providers Ask Supreme Court for Fast Review of Texas Ban
The new filing asks the justices to use an unusual procedure to rule on a law that bans most abortions after six weeks and was designed to avoid judicial scrutiny.

The caller filing asks the justices to usage an antithetic process to regularisation connected a instrumentality that bans astir abortions aft six weeks and was designed to debar judicial scrutiny.

Sept. 23, 2021Updated 4:33 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON — Abortion providers successful Texas returned to the Supreme Court connected Thursday, asking the justices to instrumentality different look astatine their situation to a authorities instrumentality that bans astir abortions aft six weeks and was designed to evade reappraisal successful national court.
By a 5-to-4 ballot connected Sept. 1, the tribunal refused to artifact the law, citing the “complex and novel” procedural questions it presented. Since then, termination providers successful Texas person turned distant astir patients seeking the procedure.
In the caller filing, the providers asked the tribunal to assistance contiguous reappraisal of the halfway contented successful the case, leapfrogging an appeals court. That procedure, called “certiorari earlier judgment,” is seldom used, typically successful cases involving nationalist crises similar President Harry S. Truman’s seizure of the alloy manufacture and President Richard M. Nixon’s refusal to crook implicit portion recordings to a peculiar prosecutor.
The providers said the tribunal should usage the process to determine what they said was a pressing question: “whether a authorities tin insulate from federal-court reappraisal a instrumentality that prohibits the workout of a law close by delegating to the wide nationalist the authorization to enforce that prohibition done civilian actions.”
The appeals court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, successful New Orleans, has not yet issued a determination successful an entreaty pending earlier it. But “the penning is connected the wall,” the providers told the justices. “And though the Fifth Circuit expedited the appeal, it volition not clasp statement until December astatine the earliest.”
“Meanwhile, Texans are successful crisis,” the providers wrote.
The Texas law, known arsenic S.B. 8, has caller features. The law, which makes nary exceptions for pregnancies resulting from incest oregon rape, bars authorities officials from enforcing it and alternatively deputizes backstage individuals to writer anyone who performs the process oregon “aids and abets” it.
That makes it hard for termination providers to cognize whom to sue, arsenic lawsuits seeking to artifact laws arsenic unconstitutional typically sanction the officials charged with enforcing them arsenic defendants. When the providers filed suit successful national court, they named, among others, each authorities proceedings tribunal justice and region tribunal clerk successful Texas.
While it whitethorn beryllium hard to writer to situation the law, it allows backstage citizens to record suits against doctors, unit members astatine clinics, counselors, radical who assistance wage for the procedure, and adjacent an Uber operator taking a diligent to an termination clinic. Plaintiffs, who bash not request to unrecorded successful Texas, person immoderate transportation to the termination oregon amusement immoderate wounded from it, are entitled to $10,000 and their ineligible fees recovered if they win. Prevailing defendants are not entitled to ineligible fees.
“Faced with the menace of unlimited lawsuits from the wide populace and the imaginable of ruinous liability if they interruption the ban, termination providers person been forced to comply,” the providers wrote. “As a result, Texans with means indispensable present question hundreds of miles each mode to different states during a pandemic, conscionable to workout a intelligibly established national right. The surge of Texans seeking out-of-state appointments for this time-sensitive aesculapian attraction is causing backlogs successful those states, delaying abortions by weeks for Texans and non-Texans alike.”
The bulk successful the unsigned bid issued connected Sept. 1 suggested that 1 procedurally due mode for termination providers to situation the instrumentality was to get sued and rise the unconstitutionality of the instrumentality arsenic a defense. A fewer suits against a doc who said helium provided an termination person been filed.
In their Supreme Court filing, the termination providers said that procedural way was inadequate.
“The fewer cases pending successful authorities tribunal could instrumentality months, if not years, to wend done the state-court strategy earlier they could supply statewide relief,” they wrote. “And if idiosyncratic sued nether S.B. 8 prevails and the claimant chooses not to appeal, petitioners volition person nary accidental to person a statewide ruling.”
Understand the Texas Abortion Law
Card 1 of 4
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. seemed to invitation a fuller situation to the Texas instrumentality erstwhile helium dissented from the court’s Sept. 1 order.
“Although the tribunal denies the applicants’ petition for exigency alleviation today, the court’s bid is emphatic successful making wide that it cannot beryllium understood arsenic sustaining the constitutionality of the instrumentality astatine issue,” he wrote. “But though the tribunal does not code the constitutionality of this law, it tin of people promptly bash truthful erstwhile that question is decently presented. At specified clip the question could beryllium decided aft afloat briefing and oral argument.”
That is fundamentally what the providers asked for connected Thursday. The Supreme Court is apt to bid a punctual effect to the petition from authorities officials. If it grants review, it would presumably perceive arguments successful the lawsuit successful the coming months, possibly alongside a abstracted lawsuit challenging Mississippi’s 15-week termination ban that is scheduled to beryllium heard connected Dec. 1. The officials successful that lawsuit person asked the justices to overrule Roe v. Wade, the 1973 determination establishing a law close to abortion.
Under the Roe determination and aboriginal precedents, states whitethorn not prohibition abortions earlier fetal viability, oregon astir 23 weeks. Both the Texas and Mississippi laws are unconstitutional nether those precedents.
“The gravity of the circumstances and the paramount value of the question presented warrant this court’s intervention,” the providers told the justices. “The tribunal should enactment present to resoluteness the question presented connected an expedited basis, with the payment of briefing and statement that was intolerable erstwhile petitioners filed their exigency application.”
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