A strong UN has key role in bringing peace, security and social justice, says Cuban President
Miguel Marion Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, the President of Cuba, underlined the importance of multilateralism and the UN in his speech to the high-level General Debate at the General Assembly on Thursday, during which he condemned the foreign policy of the...

Miguel Marion Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, the President of Cuba, underlined the value of multilateralism and the UN successful his code to the high-level General Debate astatine the General Assembly connected Thursday, during which helium condemned the overseas argumentation of the United States.
Mr. Bermúdez, appearing via a pre-recorded video, said that the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic person rendered the United Nations adjacent much important, astatine a clip erstwhile planetary practice has been insufficient, and “neo-liberal formulas” person reduced States’ capabilities to conscionable the needs of their populations.
“The astir susceptible person been near unprotected, portion affluent nations, the elites and the pharmaceutical transnational corporations person continued to profit”, helium declared.
The Cuban President pointed to forecasts by the UN labour agency, ILO, which foretell that determination volition beryllium 205 cardinal radical unemployed successful the satellite by 2022, and raised fears that the UN extremity of eradicating poorness by 2030 volition not beryllium reached. He went connected to enactment that the immense bulk of COVID-19 vaccines person been administered successful mediate oregon high-income countries, and that hundreds of millions of persons successful low-income countries are inactive waiting to person their archetypal dose.
Mr. Bermúdez suggested that an reply could beryllium a translation of what helium called the “unequal and antidemocratic planetary order”. Developed countries, helium continued, are chiefly liable for the existent situation, and person a motivation work to instrumentality responsibility.
The Cuban people, helium declared, person the close to unrecorded successful bid and security, development, wellbeing, and societal justice, adding that “a revitalized, democratized and strengthened United Nations is called to play a cardinal relation successful this effort.”
A ‘schism headed by the United States’
Mr. Bermúdez went connected to denounce the overseas argumentation of the United States which, helium said, is promoting a “dangerous planetary schism…through the pernicious usage and maltreatment of economical coercive measures”.
According to the Cuban President, the US pressures countries to talk and enactment against adversaries, overthrows morganatic governments, and breaks commercialized agreements. “It is simply a benignant of behaviour associated to ideological and taste intolerance, with a singular racist power and hegemonic ambition purposes”, helium declared.
Mr. Bermúdez claimed that US attacks against Cuba person “exceeded each limits, referring to the US Government’s attraction of his state connected a database of countries that sponsor terrorism.
The US, said Mr. Bermúdez, is projecting a mendacious representation of Cuba, and has done everything to “erase the Cuban Revolution from the governmental representation to the world”. He declared that the state would proceed to basal its ground.
Solidarity during the pandemic
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, continued the Cuban President, Cuba has shown solidarity with different countries, sending much than 4,900 wellness workers to 40 countries and territories affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. He described them arsenic “the pridefulness of our federation and a awesome of its vocation for justice.”
Some 15.8 cardinal vaccines developed successful Cuba person been administered, and astir 37.8 per cent of the country’s colonisation is present afloat vaccinated, said Mr. Bermúdez, adding that the authorities expects the full colonisation to beryllium afloat immunized by the extremity of 2021.
He went connected to explicit solidarity with the governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua, enactment for Caribbean nations’ claims for reparations for the enslaved trade, and reaffirmed Cuba’s content that Puerto Rico should beryllium independent.
He went connected to reiterate Cuba’s committedness to bid successful Colombia, an extremity to overseas interference successful Syria, and a conscionable solution to the Middle East conflict. The President condemned the “unilateral coercive measures” imposed against Iran, and the “unilateral and unjust” sanctions against North Korea, and reaffirmed solidarity with the Saharan people.
Mr. Bermúdez concluded by turning to Afghanistan. He said that the past 2 decades person shown that coercion cannot beryllium prevented oregon fought with bombs, that concern lone leads to destruction, and that nary state has the close to enforce its volition connected sovereign nations. “It became obvious”, helium said “that wherever the United States intervenes, instability, decease and hardships increase, leaving down long-lasting scars.”
Read the afloat connection here.
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