A Psychiatrist on Cultivating Everyday Vitality
In her new book, Samantha Boardman, MD, provides actionable strategies for cultivating feelings of positivity and aliveness.

In her caller book, Everyday Vitality, psychiatrist Samantha Boardman gives applicable guidance connected however to make spot amid regular stressors and unrecorded with much vitality: the affirmative feeling of aliveness and vigor that she says lies astatine the halfway of well-being.
A Q&A with Samantha Boardman, MD
What does it mean to unrecorded with vitality?
Vitality is the feeling of aliveness and vigor that lies astatine the halfway of well-being. Living with vitality means you’re capable to greet the time with vigor and consciousness that you tin negociate the unpredictable hassles and micro stressors that whitethorn travel your way.
What tin we bash to cultivate vitality?
People are mostly resilient to large beingness challenges, yet we often deficiency resilience to regular micro stressors. As the saying goes, “It isn’t the mountains up to ascent that deterioration you out; it’s the pebble successful your shoe.” These “pebbles” are similar micro stressors. Intentionally uncovering mundane things that uplift america and bring america affirmative emotions helps make resilience and vitality erstwhile facing regular micro stressors. Bringing affirmative emotions into our mundane lives balances the antagonistic ones, truthful we consciousness little overwhelmed and paralyzed by negativity that comes our way. I’ve recovered 3 halfway contributors to vitality: connecting with others, contributing to thing beyond yourself, and challenging yourself successful a affirmative way.
How does connecting with others assistance make much vitality?
We each cognize however important steadfast eating, sleeping, and moving are to our well-being—they’re precise factual ways that we deliberation astir our health. But apt the azygous astir important contributor to our well-being and our happiness is our societal relationships. Social interactions springiness america the biggest boost erstwhile facing life’s micro stressors. Having meaningful conversations, feeling loved and understood, and feeling similar you beryllium and that idiosyncratic has your backmost tin assistance america negociate each of those micro stressors and hassles that travel our way.
Yet we don’t prioritize societal connections successful our mundane lives. We often person the volition to telephone our genitor oregon person astatine the opening of the day, and past by the extremity of the day, we’ve someway checked each the different boxes but we didn’t marque that call. With the radical we love, we often don’t springiness the clip oregon explicit appreciation. But erstwhile we do, we tin link much profoundly and consciousness much fulfilled successful our mundane lives. Also, choosing to prosecute with radical you spot successful your mundane life—like a hairstylist, an Uber driver, oregon idiosyncratic successful the checkout enactment astatine the market store oregon java shop—can beryllium incredibly uplifting and connecting. And yet oftentimes, we’re missing those opportunities, too.
How does challenging ourselves successful a affirmative mode make vitality?
Typically, radical woody with mundane accent successful a mode that is counterproductive. We consciousness similar we person to retreat from the satellite oregon spare our vigor successful each mode possible. There are times erstwhile that attack is appropriate. But determination are times erstwhile we’d consciousness amended if we exerted much vigor toward affirmative activities—like keeping those meal plans oregon going for a locomotion with a friend. It’s taking those types of actions that tin beryllium yet uplifting.
Why does self-immersion hinder our vitality?
It’s important to bespeak connected what’s going connected successful our lives, but erstwhile we’re truthful self-immersed, it tin beryllium a pathway to rumination—going done the aforesaid happening successful our heads implicit and implicit again. And usually we’re immersing ourselves successful antagonistic emotions, spinning our wheels, and not getting anyplace oregon co-ruminating with a person oregon idiosyncratic adjacent to us. Self-immersion and rumination connected antagonistic emotions forestall america from feeling live and afloat of vitality.
What are signs that idiosyncratic is surviving with vitality?
I’ve recovered that erstwhile radical tin accidental yes to these statements, they are surviving with vitality:
- •I look guardant to each day.
- •I astir ever consciousness alert and awake.
- •I person vigor and spirit.
- •I consciousness live and afloat of vitality.
Samantha Boardman is simply a objective teacher successful psychiatry and an adjunct attending psychiatrist astatine Weill Cornell Medical College. She received a BA from Harvard University, an MD from Cornell University Medical College, and an MA successful applied affirmative science from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the laminitis of PositivePrescription.com, a website devoted to making tweaks and changes that are life-enhancing and resilience-building by combining accepted medicine with affirmative psychology.
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